Surfing the Waves of Culture: Boost Your Brand with Newsjacking

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying relevant is key. One innovative strategy gaining traction is newsjacking – the art of leveraging current events to boost your brand’s visibility. Originating from marketing strategist David Meerman Scott, newsjacking involves seizing trending topics or cultural moments to insert your brand into broader conversations. Here’s how you can harness this powerful strategy effectively:

Small and local businesses possess a unique advantage when it comes to newsjacking – the ability to swiftly connect with their community and capitalize on local events and trends. By staying vigilant and responsive to what's happening in their surroundings, these businesses can craft timely promotions, products, or events that resonate deeply with their audience. Whether it's creating special editions tied to local festivals, offering promotions aligned with community celebrations, or simply engaging in real-time conversations on social media, newsjacking allows small businesses to foster stronger connections, enhance visibility, and ultimately, drive growth in their local markets. This agility not only helps in standing out amidst larger competitors but also reinforces their role as integral parts of the community fabric.

Five Tips for Successful Newsjacking:

  1. Stay Vigilant and Act Swiftly: Monitor news and social media closely to identify trending topics that align with your brand’s values and audience interests. Speed is crucial – timely responses can amplify your message before the trend fades.

  2. Relevance is Key: Ensure your message adds meaningful value to the conversation. Link your brand’s expertise or products naturally to the event or topic at hand to resonate with your audience authentically.

  3. Creativity Wins: Differentiate your brand by offering a unique perspective or creative twist on the news. Stand out from competitors by injecting originality and humor where appropriate.

  4. Maintain Sensitivity: Avoid topics that could polarize or offend your audience. Carefully assess the potential impact of your message to safeguard your brand’s reputation.

  5. Measure and Adapt: Track engagement metrics and feedback to gauge the success of your newsjacking efforts. Adapt your strategy based on performance insights to continually improve.

Examples of Successful Newsjacking:

1. David Meltzer: The  prominent entrepreneur and speaker, has utilized newsjacking effectively in various instances to enhance his personal brand and engage his audience. One notable example is when he leveraged the buzz around major sports events, such as the Super Bowl or NBA Finals, to share insights and motivational messages that resonated with sports enthusiasts and professionals alike. By timely sharing his thoughts on success, teamwork, and perseverance during these high-profile events, Meltzer not only stayed relevant but also positioned himself as a thought leader in the intersection of sports and business. His strategic use of newsjacking helped amplify his visibility and credibility among his target audience, demonstrating how effectively aligning with trending topics can elevate personal brand presence.

2. Sunrise Brews: A quaint coffee shop recently brewed up excitement during the town's annual music festival. Capitalizing on the event's buzz, they introduced a special 'Music Festival Blend' and offered discounts to festival attendees. With live acoustic sessions and a themed playlist, Sunrise Brews created a vibrant, festival-friendly atmosphere that resonated with both locals and visitors. This strategic move not only boosted sales but also solidified their reputation as a community hotspot for coffee lovers and music enthusiasts alike."

3. Oreo’s Super Bowl Blackout Tweet: During the 2013 Super Bowl blackout, Oreo tweeted a clever ad with the caption “You can still dunk in the dark.” This timely and witty response garnered immense social media engagement and strengthened Oreo’s brand image as quick-witted and spontaneous.

4. Nike’s Colin Kaepernick Campaign: Nike’s controversial decision to feature Colin Kaepernick in their 2018 ad campaign sparked intense debate and media coverage. Despite criticism, the campaign aligned with Nike’s core values of social justice and resonated strongly with their target demographic.

Minimizing the Risks:

While newsjacking can be a powerful tool, it’s essential to tread carefully:

  • Avoid Inappropriate Timing: Launch your campaign when the topic is at its peak relevance to maximize impact.

  • Protect Your Brand’s Integrity: Thoroughly research and review each newsjacking opportunity to ensure alignment with your brand’s values and messaging.

Embrace the Potential:

When executed thoughtfully, newsjacking can propel your brand into the spotlight, enhancing visibility and fostering deeper connections with your audience. Start small – even a timely social media post or blog entry can make a significant impact. Embrace creativity and relevance to unlock the full potential of newsjacking for your brand’s growth.

Ready to elevate your brand’s visibility? Contact us at Sunday Brunch Agency for expert guidance on integrating cutting-edge marketing strategies into your business plan. Let’s make waves together in the dynamic world of digital marketing.

Rachel Svoboda