5 Reasons Why TikTok Is Great for Your Business

The current generation is tech-savvy and relates more to digital content, which is why your business needs to invest in the best digital marketing tools. With over 800 million active users and over two billion downloads, TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms and shows no sign of slowing down. Since the app's inception in China in 2016, TikTok performs better than its social network predecessors Instagram, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

The platform offers some of the best advertising rates, provides a global audience, and can support your marketing efforts in so many ways. So, if your business has yet to join this gold mine, you’re missing out. Here are five practical reasons why your business needs to use TikTok for social media marketing.

1. It Has Your Target Audience 

While TikTok initially started as a lip-syncing and dancing tool, the platform has quickly evolved into much more. Do you remember when Facebook and Instagram started? Most people thought these platforms were only for college students. Today, the same media platforms host users from all age groups. 

The best decision you could make for your business is to join TikTok as early as now and grab your audience's attention in its early success stage. With millions of active users spending an average of 52 minutes daily on the platform, your business has enough base exposure to succeed in its marketing efforts and create brand awareness.

Additionally, Gen Z—AKA the generation that holds the future's buying power—makes up most of TikTok's population. Even if they don't buy from your business today, they can do it tomorrow or next year. TikTok is not a platform that's going away anytime soon. 

2. It's Easy to Capture the Users' Attention

The current generation loves the authenticity and creativity that TikTok videos offers. Videos are more relatable and practical, which is what most people are currently looking for in marketers. Also, TikTok shows its videos on full-screen, which ensures you have the viewer's full attention. That's why it's easy to become famous overnight on TikTok if your videos capture the attention of viewers. So, the job is on you to be consistent in posting exciting videos relating to your business.

Most platforms like Instagram also borrow the video idea in Reels from TikTok. That's because they know the future of marketing is in video creation. In a video on Twitter, the Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, confirmed that video marketing is very competitive and businesses need to take full advantage of its opportunities.

3. The Videos are Reusable

TikTok's short videos make it easy to incorporate them into other business platforms. For instance, the 15-second videos can easily fit on your Instagram stories. These creative videos leave your audience yearning for more and thus lead them to your profile or website. 

You can also use duets and other people's audios and create a video advertising your products or service. The list is endless depending on how creative you are as a business owner, because TikTok's video flexibility is unbeatable.

4. TikTok Offers Paid Ads

The platform now has "TikTok for Business" which allows businesses to advertise through five forms. Their advertising rates are also some of the most affordable compared to the exposure on the platform.

  • Top View Ads 

These ads appear on the audience's For You page a few seconds after logging in to the app. The videos have a length of up to one minute and appear on full-screen, capturing the user's full attention. They are also audible, and viewers have a replay option. Additionally, these ads have links to either internal or external landing pages. Their primary goal is to increase traffic to your business' website.

  • In-Feed Ads

These are the ads that pop up in the user's feeds. The short videos allow users to click on the website, profile, or download the business app. Users can also like, share, and comment on the ad.

  • Branded Hashtag Challenges

TikTok allows businesses to create short videos promoting their products or services and include a branded hashtag. The company can then request its followers to create content including the same hashtag. These hashtags then link to the business' TikTok profile or website.

  • Brand Takeovers

Like YouTube's unskippable videos, these ads aim at capturing the attention of TikTok users, creating awareness and driving traffic to your business profile and website. However, users cannot like, comment, or share the ads. 

  • Branded Effects

Like Snapchat, TikTok has branded lenses that users can use to create videos to promote their content. The lenses can appear either in the background or foreground of the videos with the specific products or business logo. These ads help create awareness of your brand.

5. Large Pool of Influencers

Influencers introduce your business to a broader audience. With the value of influencer marketing doubling since 2019, the figure stands at 13.8 billion dollars in the U.S. in 2021. So, choosing an influencer with an audience that relates to your business is crucial. However, manually researching the right influencers could take a lot of your time. That's why TikTok has a feature to simplify the process.

TikTok's Creator Marketplace feature gives businesses an option to select influencers they wish to work with in the future. The tool provides analytics on various influencers' performance metrics, location, and sample content. Using the data, you can decide on the best person that relates to your business.

It's also an excellent chance for you to introduce your business to a global audience. The unlimited opportunity to work with global influencers is one that a company with a worldwide vision should grab today. Viewers trust their influencers, and it would be easier to convince your target audience to purchase your products and services by using a person they trust and value to recommend your brand. 

Key Takeaway

The future of marketing is digital content creation, specifically video content creation. That's because creative videos are authentic and practical. Your business cannot afford to miss out on a platform that holds part of its future and current success. Follow us for helpful social media marketing tips, and reach out for all your social media marketing needs.

Sunday Brunch