How to Boost Sales in the New Year!

As we race into 2002 it remains critical for businesses to use this as an opportunity to boost sales, retain loyal customers, and pick up new clients. The below six tips and tricks will help companies give their marketing plan a much needed boost to jump start the new year with enthusiasm, momentum, and accomplish their goals. 

Use Straight Line Sales

Whether you’re selling a product or a service you need the buyer needs to at an elevated state in 3 areas in order to be influenced to make a buying decision. These 3 areas are based on a scale of 1-10 where one is they don’t care and 10 is they are on fire and need a solution now:

1. They like the product, idea or the concept

2. They trust and connect with you

3. They trust and connect with the company

If there is uncertainty in any of these areas you will get a common excuse or objection.

This is just scratching the surface. There is SO much more to learn here. If you or your sales team are ready to increase your close rate…give us a call.

Utilize Email Marketing

Companies need to reach out to the most loyal customers regularly in order to build lasting relationships. Customers that are rewards members, email subscribers, and known for making purchases should all receive emails with rewards that are exclusive to them at least once a month. 

Offer Time-Limited Sales

This gives customers a sense of urgency, which can increase their speed to purchase and increase your revenue. 

Target Social Media Advertising

When running ads on FB, IG, TikTok or other platforms - make sure the ads are targeted towards people that are more likely to purchase products. This is different than running ads to gain followers or increase exposure. If your goal is to increase sales, then make your ads targeted at selling!

Get Geofencing

Location targeted ads are an exceptional solution to help businesses target potential clients when they are nearby your location (or a competitor location). Encouraging them to stop into your store or reinforce their need for your products/services.

Give Gifts

Every customer has someone on their list to shop for all year long. Whether it’s a birthday, Mother’s Day, Easter, Father’s Day, hostess gift, or the holiday season. Customers spend money on gifts all year long and often buy something for themselves along with the gift. Use this to your advantage by offering gift suggestions to help customers and increase sales.

Sunday Brunch