Reputation Management


The ability to think of yourself as a brand and how to strategically strengthen it through networking, professional associations, community and influence… We used to call it building your personal brand, but that was BC (Before COVID-19). Now AC (After COVID-19), it’s more serious because online is where everyone is spending time and we’re leveling up the personal brand into full-blown Reputation Management. It combines elements of public relations, search engine optimization (SEO), and digital marketing to manage your reputation whether it be for companies, individuals, or organizations.

Just as your reputation is a composition of several different factors, so are the elements which come together to create online reputation management. Here are FIVE Search Engine and Online Reputation Management Stats to Blow Your Mind. Think about this.

1. 90% of all internet sessions begin with a search engine

2. 93% of searchers never venture past the first page of google.

3. 50% of US adults who Google themselves say the results aren’t positive.

4. 33% of clicks are on the first page of results

5. *65% of people see online search as the most trusted source of information about people and companies. That’s a higher level of trust than any other online or offline source. 

It’s readily apparent that search engines are the most influential factor in shaping a business, person, or organization’s reputation. The transition to online techniques to communicate a desired message is not only natural, but necessary. Information found online is and will continue to be the dominating factor in shaping public opinion. Here’s what you need to do:

Manage Online Personality

The ability to make a good first impression starts before you meet in person. It’s important to take control over ways to influence your online reputation. Think of it this way: Content created from the source is going to have extremely high relevance ratings so start with content and websites that belong to you.

Search Your Name or Business

Take a deep breath. Google your name or company so you have a baseline of how much work needs to be done. Are the results good? Bad? Non-existent?

Claim Social Media Sites and Domains

If you haven’t already, register your name or business on (at minimum) Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. This is the lowest of the low hanging fruit when it comes to protecting and eventually cultivating an online reputation. Even if you aren’t going to be posting immediately, you want to have control over these properties.

Create Consistent Content

Create content regularly that appeals to your audience. Have a strategy, messaging and goals for what success looks like. This is crucial for any online reputation management since it’s all about shaping how people think about you or your business.

Be Overly Cautious on Social Media

One of the easiest mistakes that brands and individuals make online are missteps on social media. We live in a time where likes, retweets, comments, and shares are digital forms of currency. Adults in their 30’s and 40’s are now experimenting with social media that didn’t exist when they were growing up. How does making TikTok videos impact your professional reputation? Are you oversharing private moments?

Don’t forget that you deserve a private life. And you never know who is watching – it could be your boss or a potential client. It’s absolutely crucial for companies and individuals to consciously and proactively build a cohesive reputation.


What is your personal/professional goal? While working from home, think about things you need to continue to do across your channels for your reputation to achieve your future goals. This could include things like showcase positive work, display job status, show your work ethic or time management skills. 

If you need to fix a tarnished reputation or elevate your reputation, then give us a call. (714)454 7486


Rachel Svoboda