Your Social Media Checklist


If you’re running a business that has social media, then you need to read this.

Have you ever looked back over the week and realized that you didn’t post or forgot to post about an event or promotion?!  Does approving one or two months of social media posts at one time sound better than having to create and review social media content daily?

Social media for businesses is time consuming and requires a delicate balance of planned and spontaneous content. This relationship you’re building with customers needs to be consistent to support your brand reputation and drive sales.

Below is a Social Media Checklist, broken down by daily, weekly and monthly needs. Give it a read and see if you're ready to enlist an extra set of hands to tackle these items. If you want more details or help, email our team.

START HERE >> What is the core piece of content or event this week?


➔ Post that supports one of your core buckets of messaging
➔ Story promoting the post that possibly links to bio for core content
➔ Story of something happening that day
➔ Cross post to both Instagram and Facebook
➔ Respond to comments and engagement on all platforms
➔ Send direct message to community: thanks, open up further conversation, etc
➔ Check social selling metrics (What sold best today?)


➔ “Engagement” posts in your Facebook group (fun, interactive posts)
➔ Get at least one new testimonial you can promote in your content, on social, etc. 
➔ Upload new email contacts to your email database


➔ Develop a content calendar with all the images, copy and hashtags for the month
➔ Send dedicated email to database (send personal note to unopened recipients that evening or following morning)

Challenge yourself to take control of social media with this checklist and let us know how it goes. When you’re ready for an extra set of hands to help, let us know.



Christia Brockman