Tips of the Social Media Trade


If you're using Instagram to its full potential, it can be awesome for businesses. Unfortunately, many are not doing this. Here are 7 things to ask yourself to ensure you are putting your best 'Instagram' foot forward: 

  1. How often are your posting? Post as often as you can with quality content and keep it consistent!

  2. Do you include hashtags in your posts? Whether they are in the main post caption or in a comment, hashtags generate new engagement.

  3. When is the last time you updated your page bio? Does it clearly explain your business or product?

  4. Have you started posting Instagram Stories? Live-footage of your business, especially on special event occasions would be great content to start building your Stories Highlights.

  5. What location are you tagging with every photo posted? If you’re only tagging where your product is made or business is located, try tagging other areas where your product is distributed or business services.

  6. Did you respond to the person who commented on your post? Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with a potential buyer/client!

  7. Are you incorporating video into your content? Doesn’t have to be professionally made to make an impact.

Christia Brockman